Mikhail Trostnikov

Mikhail Trostnikov

Postdoc, 2024-present

I’m a Posdoc researcher at UCR Biochemistry department. Since my university graduation where I have studied different aspects of radiation effects on physical and biological systems, a huge part of my research experience and interest was dedicated to fruit fly genetics and molecular biology. I’ve defended my PhD thesis at the “Institute of molecular genetics, RAS, Moscow”, it was dedicated to the role of conservative genes expression in aging and lifespan control. Our research group discovered that different GSK3 kinase transcripts can play a different role depending on tissue, expression level and developmental study. In 2024 I’ve joined my current lab under the guidance of Dr. Maria Ninova to study the role of SUMO - dependent regulation in the piRNA pathway. I think that studying such pathways can reveal many important details of genetic regulation and homeostasis in all living organisms.


  • PhD

    Institute of molecular genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow